0Thursday. 29th [July 1875]—Ca’ Capello, Venice
BaylorBrowning Guide

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29 July 1875 — Ca’ Capello, Venice
Thursday. 29th [July 1875]. Man came again to do my portrait. Messrs Malcolm came over also Brown called. At 2 R Madrazo came & then we went to Murano & showed him the glass works– Met the Abbate there & went to the church to see the Gioranni Bellini & then to see an old Palace. On our way home we went to call on R. Brown & bid him good bye. Ricardo stayed dinner with us & after we went to Piazza, met the Malcolms & took leave of them. At 4 we went to Princess Dolgorouky’s & took tea with her. Met the La Romanas, Mr Odiet & Neviles.

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