0Friday. 17th [September 1875]—Paris
BaylorBrowning Guide

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17 September 1875 — Paris
Friday. 17th [September 1875]. We went to Hotel Vouillemont to see the Bauers. Met there Nicholas. They begged us to dine with them but we could not. Went home to lunch. The Hurtados called & Mr                Consul at Palmer. At 3.30 Ida Bauer called for us & took us to Palmaroli’s studio where we also met Esquivel. Saw 2 pictures of P’s unfinished a “lady on Trouville sands”—& “girl kissing herself in a glass” & a scene in the Alhambra with girls feeding swans. The latter has already been sold 3 times tho’ not finished. We dined with Mr Adams who is in charge in Ld Lyon’s absence. Met Baron Mercier, Henry’s old colleague, Mr Atlee & Mr Nicholson. The latter is attaché at Berlin & had been private secy to Ld Granville. Home early.

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