0Saturday. 6th November [1875]—Madrid
BaylorBrowning Guide

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6 November 1875 — Madrid
Saturday. 6th November [1875]. Painting lesson. Bernadine & her father came to call. We went out riding. Went to Fuente but found it windy & unpleasant. Went towards Atocha in hopes of meeting the King going to Atocha. Met him in the Carrera San Geronimo. He was preceded by a detachment of Lancers & was himself in a huge coach & six with plumes wigged coachmen &c & was followed by 2 other coaches & 6 containing his gentlemen & the Pss’s ladies. The poor King looked pale there & ridiculous & miserable in his painted & gilt gingerbread kind of a Noah’s ark– People stopped & stared after the procession but few took off their hats. After dinner we drove to the Bauers but did not find them in as they were gone to the Opera.

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