0Saturday. 18th [December 1875]—Madrid
BaylorBrowning Guide

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18 December 1875 — Madrid
Saturday. 18th [December 1875]. No improvement in the weather & I did not go out. Painted but it was very dark. The Castros called—they leave tomorrow for Lisbon where Sr Castro has been sent as ambassador. His daughter having been ordered to go there for her health Castro wished to go with advantage to his purse. As he had been an ambr in former times he cd not go back to being a simple Minister & he has been sent as ambassador with the pay of one. We dined with the d’Antas at a dinner given in honor of the Castros. Besides them we met Srs Canovas del Castillo, Cardenas & Marques de Orovio (2 ex Ministers) who took me in to dinner, Hatzfeldt, Cushing, Cohen & Carnide & Sr Escobar editor of the Epoca. The dinner was bad & the servants dropped plates, knives &c & the d’Antas couple were very absent. Their house not being arranged for dinner parties & the servants being utterly unused to it. We went to the Bauers afterwards & took tea & eat chocolate.

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