0Saturday. [25th December 1875]—Madrid
BaylorBrowning Guide

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25 December 1875 — Madrid
Saturday. [25th December 1875]. Christmas Day. We had our English service at the Calle Leganitos done by Mr Jameson– I played the organ & there were between 30 & 40 people. In the afternoon Henry & I took a walk and we went to call on the Riaños. In the eveng we had a dinner for the English– We had Cushing, Adye & Tyng, Mr & Mrs Hamilton, Phipps, Walsham, Mr Hunt, Sartoris, Mr Partridge, Col Fitch, Mr Haughton (Corres: of Ind. Belge), Mr Jameson & Mr Rutledge from Cordova & we had the traditional mince pies & burning plum pudding. The party broke up early.

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