0Saturday. 22nd [January 1876]—Madrid
BaylorBrowning Guide

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22 January 1876 — Madrid
Saturday. 22nd [January 1876]. Henry was worse all the night and was in great agony & could hardly keep in bed– I was up most of the night giving him his medicines, &c. Hill & Giovanni sat up all night to help me & get the things I wanted. At 6 he got a few minutes sleep. At 9 the Dr came & ordered him morphine every ¼ hour & another bath at 40 degrees centigrade & to stay in ¾ hour. On coming out Henry fainted & had to be carried back to bed where he seemed a little better—the Dr came 4 times in the day. Emilia Riaño came & sat with me & we dined together in the boudoir. I had a bed put in the dressing room & rested a little in the night between whiles.

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