0Friday. 7th April [1876]—Madrid
BaylorBrowning Guide

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7 April 1876 — Madrid
Friday. 7th April [1876]. At 2.30 Ida Bauer came & fetched me & we went to the Cortès to hear the speech of Castelar. In the box was Mme Alamios & her daughter. She made herself very disagreeable keeping up a running commentary on the speech in a loud tone of voice. Castelar made an amusing & very moderate speech against the Govt proposal that when the new Constitution is discussed the articles referring to the King’s right to the throne shd not be discussed. Henry went to the Gallery, but not feeling well did not come to the Cortès. Weather very fine & quite hot. When we left Cortès we went to call on Lady Walsham but did not find her. She came later to see me.

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