0Sunday. 9th [April 1876]—Madrid
BaylorBrowning Guide

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9 April 1876 — Madrid
Sunday. 9th [April 1876]. Did not go to church as Henry’s cough was so bad & he seemed so unwell. I went to the concert & took with me Lady Louisa Tenison who is here en route for Algiers. We got there at 2 & found that the concert had been put off till 3 so went to leave cards & to call on the Walshams & returned to the Concert. Made Clarita come up from the stalls to our box. After Concert I went to call on Castelar & his sister to see a metal inlaid plate made at Toledo & given him by the officers of the Engineers. It is fine but in many things faulty. Castelar was enraptured with it. Late just before dinner the Bauers called to see Henry whose cough is very bad. Weather changing to cold. Tennisons, Cushing, Mr Winter (Messr) &c dined.

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