0Monday. 24th [April 1876]—Madrid
BaylorBrowning Guide

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24 April 1876 — Madrid
Monday. 24th [April 1876]. We set to work to have the things moved down from the 1st to the ground floor. At 11 arrived Emilia with Mariquilla Saavedra who brought a message from her uncle to say that all his furniture was at our disposal as it had been taken down from his old house & not yet put up in the new. Emilia, Mariquilla & I went off in a brougham to see abt it. We went first to the shoemakers & getting into the carriage again M. shut the carriage door on Emilia’s finger & hurt her very much. We went on to the Marquis of Salamanca’s to choose what furniture I wanted & met there Em’s brother who is the secretary who put us in the hands of the head carpenter “Vicente” who was very civil & at once began loading a cart with things. Home to breakfast at 12. Traced the arms of the Oñate repostero with help of Emilia & D. Juan. At 1.30 I went out to call on the Dss of Fernan Nunez & found her just going to the pigeon shooting match. Told her the P of W was coming to us on Friday & she had the choice of Thursday or Saty. She chose the former. It is still uncertain whether the King is to dine with us or going to the other balls. A council of Ministers is to be held. At 5 Aleañices came to see Henry abt the arrangements & begged us to go to the Palace to see the room prepared for the Prince. We went accompanied by Ct Canelaux. The rooms are very handsome tho’ comfortless.

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