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23 October 1876 — Madrid | |
Monday. 23rd October [1876]. Wrote & worked in the morning. Went out early & returned soon after 4. Mme Prim called just as I came in. She told me that there had been a number of Genls & officers arrested last night—amongst them Genls Murrillo—Burgos—& Quadra—for a supposed conspiracy. Hatzfeldt & Ct & Css Montebello came to tea & in the midst Mme Buschenthal was announced to our great surprise. She told me the Burgos was to have dined tonight with her & had sent to tell he he cd not. She had met him at the opera last night & invited him. She was furious against the Govt & abused the King. Later came the It. Chargé d’Affaires Marquis Balbi & told us Burgos was not arrested but was in hiding & had sent to ask him Balbi to give him shelter wh Balbi had refused as Greppi was away. Alfred Weil came in to talk of it all– | |
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