0Monday. 27th [November 1876]—Madrid
BaylorBrowning Guide

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27 November 1876 — Madrid
Monday. 27th [November 1876]. Painted in morng. Afternoon drove out at 3 & fetched the Bruces from the picture gallery & left cards for them. In the Calle Claudio Coello we saw a youth in a military uniform enveloped in a cape leaning against the wall of a house staring at a young lady in an opposite window. She had left the window shut but held aside the blind to allow herself to be seen & to be able to stare in return. This is the beginning of an attachment in this country. When the lady is in mourning, as this one evidently was, the windows must be kept shut– It greatly amused the Bruces & we went 3 days running & found the couple in the same position. Henry dined at the d’Antas tonight a dinner to meet Canovas, Albareda & Ulloas. We had a good many people come in the evening amongst them Calderon Collantes.

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