0Monday. 11th [December 1876]—Madrid
BaylorBrowning Guide

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11 December 1876 — Madrid
Monday. 11th [December 1876]. Began a sketch of my boudoir to give Emilia. Copied a letter to Ld Tenterden for Henry. Very cold & it looks like snow. Genl Cincha called & he talked so vehemently to Henry that I heard it from my room & was nearly rushing to see what was the matter. Henry told me after he was declaiming against the Govt & Calderon Collantes’s speech to him in the Cortès the other day—so it is evident they have made one more good enemy. Drove out & left Henry at Ct Ludolfs to make a visit & then I went & left some cards. Hatzfeldt came to tea. Recd in eveng a good many people came. Had a slight headache.

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