0Sunday. 21st [January 1877]—Madrid
BaylorBrowning Guide

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21 January 1877 — Madrid
Sunday. 21st [January 1877]. Did not go out nor to the services. Henry went to the usual Concert. The Montebellos called—afterwards Mme & Mlle Rabergo & Balbi whose visit was ppc. as he goes soon to Lisbon as Secy. We went to dine at Ct Greppi’s & I went out in the eveng for the first time since my illness. The D & Dss of Fernan Nunez & daughter, Canovas, Silvela (New Min. for F.A.) Il marchese de Durazzo e signora, Nicolas, M. de Las Casce, Balbi his remplaçant M. Cova, & Foresta. I sat at the head of the table between Canovas & Silvela—but I did not eat. Came home early everyone else went to Dss of Bailen’s ball to meet the King. I was not equal to it.

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