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23 January 1877 — Madrid | |
Tuesday. 23rd [January 1877]. This is the feast of San Ildefonso & is therefore the King’s “dias.” Henry went to court in the morning with his secretary’s. I excused myself as not being strong eno’ to go to Court twice a day– In the afternoon there was a review. Henry went to see it from the Presidencia. We dined at Court. I sat between the King & Silvela– The King talked a good deal on all subjects—he did not observe that I eat nothing having taken some soup at home. After dinner he came & told me & Cushing to sit down & sat with us a little while & Cushing had enjoyed his wine & had a glass of wine in his hand wh he kept sipping between every 3 or 4 words. The King kept looking at me with a twinkle in his eye & when he found a decent excuse he broke out into a fit of laughter. The chefs de mission were furious because H.M. hardly spoke to them– He merely asked Hatzfeldt abt the Gorilla at Berlin wh made him furious especially as the Empress of Germany has just lost a sister & H.M. never enquired after her. H.M. & the Pss retired about 11.30 & afterwards went to a Ball at Css Superunda’s who for many years past had always given a ball in the King’s honor & has always been a rabid Alfonsist. Of course she does not know us. | |
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