0Monday. 29th [January 1877]—Madrid
BaylorBrowning Guide

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29 January 1877 — Madrid
Monday. 29th [January 1877]. Took a walk in Retiro– Went to a ball at the Duques de Fernan Nunez. The King & Pss of the Asturias & the Duke of Saxe Coburg were there. The whole of the world were there & it was very brilliant. I went into the Ballroom to see the 1st quadrille & then went out & sat in the gallery & took a turn with A. Weil. We were asked to sup with the King at 2 o’cl but it was too late for me after my last illness– We went home before one. On arriving at home I found I had lost an emerald drop off my necklace. We had a long visit from Maria Buschenthal–

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