0Saturday. 10th [February 1877]—Madrid
BaylorBrowning Guide

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10 February 1877 — Madrid
Saturday. 10th [February 1877]. Canovas had invited us to breakfast tomorrow forgetting that it was Carnival Sunday so Henry wrote to remind him & he sent his secretary to put us off till next Sunday. At 3 I went out—went to Sierra’s to see if I could find an old fan for Maria to give Lady Theodora– I went on after to the Bauers to see the childs’ ball there. There were a great many people there & it was very hot. As soon as the children sat down to their supper I came away & Mr Phipps sent me home in his brougham. We went to dine at Ct & Css de Montebello’s. Met there M. & Mme Belle, & his brother & his bride of 10 days & Miss & Mr Owens, Greppi & Centenary & I sat between the Ct & Mr Owens.

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