0Tuesday. 27th February [1877]—Madrid
BaylorBrowning Guide

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27 February 1877 — Madrid
Tuesday. 27th February [1877]. Seemed better & got up earlier than usual. Abt 11 came on a tremendous neuralgia over left eye so that I could do nothing but lie on the sofa & took a glass of port. At 3 I went out & fetched Emilia & then went to Dr Brehm’s to consult him. He told me to take 2 doses of 4 grains of quinine– We went & took a walk in the Retiro. It was warm and pleasant. The Almonds were in flower. Came home early. Found the Duke de la Torre with Henry. Mme Silvela & Isabel called. About 6 the Dss de la Torre came. Was much better when I went to bed. At 7 Henry called me to look at the total eclipse of the moon & we went on the roof to watch it. It was just then at its heighth. The moon appeared like a ball of lurid fire & was quite visible thro’ the shadow. Little by little a rim of light a little whiter began to show round the edge.

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