0Saturday. 24th March [1877]—Cadiz
BaylorBrowning Guide

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24 March 1877 — Cadiz
Saturday. 24th March [1877]. At 10 Hatzfeldt came to call for us & we drove to the muelle & found the Adls steam barge waiting wh took us on board the Victoria where we had been invited to breakfast. It was rather rough going but I did not feel the worse but it was not over easy to get on board. The Capt. was very civil & showed us over the ship. The Kings saloon cabin was very ugly & plain & furnished with a sofa with chairs set out on each side in the usual Spanish fashion & a common kind of tureen at the other end. The chairs were covered with silk & there was a carpet but it all looked dirty & ill kept. We then went on deck & sat there in expectation of breakfast & the band was made to play & presently 2 sailors approached one with glasses of sherry & the other with biscuits by wh it was evident we were not to expect a breakfast. As our Adl had arranged not to send for us before 12.30 we were rather in despair. Luckily just then the King’s steam barge came with an ADC on a message so we begged him to land us wh he did but the sea was even more agitated than before & I got to land I was very squeamish. It began to rain hard & we got into a cab & came back to the breakfast at the Hotel Ct Hatzfeldt breakfasting with us. I then rested & Henry went out to pay some visits. Henry went to dine at S. Fernando with the King. They went by special train & Hatzfeldt called in a carriage for Henry & took him to the station– I went for a walk with Mr Reade to call on Mme Topete. Found her in & she was a very nice little woman. Went & left cards on Mme Mora & also on Mme Tagli & went to several shops to try & buy some strips for embroidering but none were to be found so I went in & drew out a pattern myself & got blue paper & transferred it. I dined & afterwards dressed to go to the concert. M. & Mme Kropf called for me at ¼ to 10 & we went to the Opera house which was all illuminated. Some gentlemen of the Casino received us & took us up to our box wh was on the left of the Kings box. The theatre was very pretty & brilliant & full of well dressed & good looking women. The house is large clean & well kept done in white gold. The King did not arrive till nearly 11– H.M. was well received– Henry & Hatzfeldt came at the same time having returned from the railway with the King in his carriage & driven round the town to see the illuminations. In the middle of the concert H.M. was taken out to be fed & Silvela came & fetched me & Mme Kropf to see the King & also be refreshed with ices & then we returned to the rest of the concert. We left abt ½ past 1 when H.M. went back to sleep at the Aduana & must have been thoro’ly tired. He had been on foot all day visiting ships & amongst them the “Minotaur” &c &c.

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