0Thursday. 29th [March 1877]—Madrid
BaylorBrowning Guide

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29 March 1877 — Madrid
Thursday. 29th [March 1877]. We arrived at Madrid at 6 AM for once in a while punctually wh we attributed to the presence in the train of Ct Serrano, the Minister who has the power over the railways. He was returning to Madrid after having escorted the Pss of the Arturias to Seville to join the King. We rested a while & breakfasted at 12. In afternoon I did not go out but Henry did. Suddenly he came in with a paper in his hand & said I have begun to decypher a telegram from home wh began “H.M. Govt desire you to go to Constantinople—” I set to work to help him when the Bauers came in to call & then Nicolas so I had to restrain my impatience & do the civil while Henry decyphered the telegram in his room. The telegram orders Henry to go to England as soon as possible. After dinner we said we would go to the Bauers to tell them of it being Holy Thursday we should have had to walk there & altho we got half way down the stairs we gave up going & turned back & went to bed.

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