0Thursday. 26th [July 1877]—Therapia
BaylorBrowning Guide

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26 July 1877 — Therapia
Thursday. 26th [July 1877]. Bathed & wrote to Clarita. After breakfast began to prepare for painting but was interrupted by visits from Dr & Mrs Washburn & Dr Dickson & Mrs & Miss Simmons & Ld Melgund who had arrived from the seat of war & told us abt all he saw. He & Mr Austin lunched with us & afterwards we all went off in the caique to Beikos to see the cricketmatch between the Helicon & Antelope. Found there the Reuss’, Lady Thomas, Miss Boyd & the Hanson ladies– Sat there some time & had tea. The Antelope was winning– Day was cool & windy. Mr Rassam brought news that the Sultan has changed the Sheikh el Islam as he was too much in favor of peace. One of the sacred [illegible word] is announced to be brought out & exposed to the faithful next Wedy to excite Mussulmen to fight for their country. It is said the Austrian Ambr has begun to pack & 30 boxes went into his house yesterday.

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