0Friday. 27th July [1877]—Therapia
BaylorBrowning Guide

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27 July 1877 — Therapia
Friday. 27th July [1877]. Bathed & wrote to Mme Marcello. Had Turkish lesson. Ahmet Vefyk Pasha came to call. We begging him to return to lunch which he did. Naurian Effendi came & told us the German ladies had formed a society for the sick & wounded. After lunch Vefyk gave me a Turkish lesson. At 3.30 went in the steam cutter to Prince Halim’s to call on his wife. Henry went in the boat with us & Vefyk also whom we left at Hyssar. Princess Halim is pretty, a circassian & speaks French well. She was dressed European fashion in a mauve silk with an upper garment called “à la Juive” embroidered with mauve silk. Her hair plainly plaited in one & turned up in a loop. They offered me the chibouque wh I declined– It had a diamond wreath round the mouth piece. I had coffee in a cup the zarf of which was of diamonds striped with emeralds. They they brought water sweetened with honey in large gold bowls the tops of wh were studded with diamonds. There were several slaves—some good looking & all gaily dressed in muslins. One was in white with pink ribbons. I stayed about an hour & then came home. It was rough & stormy looking. Mr Wrench & Mr Kennedy dined– Baker Pasha came in the eveng.

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