0Friday. 10th [August 1877]—Therapia
BaylorBrowning Guide

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10 August 1877 — Therapia
Friday. 10th [August 1877]. Got up at 7.30 & wrote to Maria. Had a Turkish lesson. It was very hot & oppressive. Sat in the grove & worked at 5 Mrs H. Hanson & Mrs W. Hanson came & Mr Stopford & Miss Zarifi & we had lawn tennis. I & Miss Z. played a game against Henry wh caused great excitement & Henry won. Mr Kennedy &                dined with us. We made bandages. The Reuss came to tea in the eveng also Capt Malloy & Major de Winton, Kalergi, Condouriotis & Mr Pansa, Maffei’s secy here on leave.

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