0Sunday. 26th [August 1877]—Therapia
BaylorBrowning Guide

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26 August 1877 — Therapia
Sunday. 26th [August 1877]. We had service in the orangery & Dr Thomson came for it. Had both the Helicon & Antelope Crews. While we were at church the Red + Ship arrived from Varna & Mr Young called & saw Henry; he had brought down 60 wounded whom he had deposited at Kavak hospital. Went out in the caique with M. Boyd, the Genl & Henry– Called on the Zarifi’s. Much talk over the news of a great victory over the Russians in Asia. Left Henry at Corti’s & went on to Buyukderé to call on Css Radolinsky—found her in. She is an Englishwoman but very consumptive—very tall & emaciated & has been handsome with black hair & eyes. Embassy dined with us as usual. Sent off 237 shirts to Adrianople by Mr Fawcett.

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