0Monday. 10th September [1877]—Therapia
BaylorBrowning Guide

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10 September 1877 — Therapia
Monday. 10th September [1877]. Made up parcels of work & clothes to take with me to the refugees at Beyler Bey. At 12 started for Candilli in the mouche with Miss B., Capt Stopford, Adl Commerell, Mr Graham, Mr Edwards, Capt Gordon. After leaving me at the Yali they went on to town. It was a broiling day, after resting & talking to Mrs Willie I mounted a donkey & rode up to Mrs Arthur’s. There I found Dr Dickson waiting for me & Mrs Henry. We lunched & then went back to the Yali & waited for the mouche wh came a little after 3. We went down to Beyler Bey to see the Refugees living in the Palace & asked for a certain Jamal Bey who had the superintendence of them. He was away but they sent for him & we sat under the trees waiting for him. We said we would go & visit the hospital while we were waiting. We found the chief Dr there a very intelligent Armenian who spoke French & he took us over it. The wounded were all quiet & contented not a murmur not a groan not a word was heard, they were comfortably lodged & all was very clean. I sent them some cigarettes & then we went back to the Refugees. We found Jamal Bey there and talked with him as to the best way to distribute work & clothes & the rice & coffee we had brought. He said that if we would give it over to him he would distribute it. We then went into the Palace. It was clean but full of women & children—not a stick of furniture was there & there were only the rugs & beds rolled up in corners of the rooms. There was one tiny baby slung in an apron as a kind of hammock in the corner of one room– On a mattress in another lay a sick child—for whom Dr Dickson prescribed. Mrs Arthur took some sweets wh she distributed to the children. It was with difficulty we could get away as the women clustered round us wanting to tell us how their husbands & brothers had been killed. They said they all came from Sistova. At last we got away & took leave of the Dr who returned to town. We went to the Yali & had a cup of tea & then Mrs Henry & I started for Therapia & arrived about 7 quite tired out. In the evening we received as usual & the dancing went on till 12 & there were a great many people.

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