0Friday. 14th [September 1877]—Therapia
BaylorBrowning Guide

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14 September 1877 — Therapia
Friday. 14th [September 1877]. Bathed. Worked. Lunched at 1.30 & at 2 went with Henry & the Genl to Arnautkeui in the mouche to see the house Mr Boyce has hired for the student dragoman college. A large roomy Turkish house with a garden Mr Boyce & Mr Guarracino met us there. There was a dance school in one of the rooms & there were ½ doz blackeyed children all sitting on their heels on a mattress with their hands crossed on their breasts. I administered sweets to them much to their satisfaction. Got home by 5 & played lawn tennis. Capt. Wingfield & Mr Elliott & Mr Kennett dined. At 10 we went out fishing I & Capt. Wingfield & Mr Smijth in the dingie & the Genl, Miss Boyd & Mr Elliott in the caique—caught nothing & came home at 12. We hoped to have caught lufer.

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