0Thursday. 15th November [1877]—Therapia
BaylorBrowning Guide

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15 November 1877 — Therapia
Thursday. 15th November [1877]. Henry went off in the Antelope to Scutari to bury poor Julian Layard. His remains had been brought down by Mr Masters from Kazanlyk & arrived by last night’s train. Henry took with him the secretaries. He left directly after breakfast & got there abt 11—chose a spot for the grave near the Crimean officers & the grave was prepared—& the funeral took place abt 3. Mr Gribble offered up a prayer over the grave– They returned home abt 5. I & Mrs de Winton took a walk to the village to call on Mrs Morris Fawcett whom I did not see & then walked to our garden. Practised the piano & sang in the eveng.

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