0Wednesday. 28th [November 1877]—Constantinople
BaylorBrowning Guide

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28 November 1877 — Constantinople
Wednesday. 28th [November 1877]. Wrote for messenger all the morng. Mrs & Miss Parnis came to settle abt work. After lunch Mrs de W. & I went to Mrs Gribble on foot to the sewing class of the Ladies’ Association. Tea & cakes were handed and Miss Hatty read aloud–There were 10 or 12 there. At 4 the carriage fetched me and I went to call on Mme Fernandez who was in & then came home as it was cold. Dr Dickson called. The de Wintons, Mr Jocelyn, Mr Kennedy & Leveson Gower dined with us. We played billiards after dinner till bed time.

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