0Thursday. 3rd [January 1878]—Constantinople
BaylorBrowning Guide

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3 January 1878 — Constantinople
Thursday. 3rd [January 1878]. We started at 10 & went to Therapia in the Antelope. We took Arthur, the Genl, Mess. Elliot & Kennedy & Mr Smith & Mr Keating 2 travellers. We had a lovely day fine but cold. We got to Therapia abt 11.30 & went at once into the house to settle with Mr Elliot wh of their furniture we should buy. We then took a walk in the garden—& as we went along the quay I stopped with Arthur & made a sketch of our house. We boarded the Antelope & had luncheon abt 2. We went up a little way towards the Bk Sea & then back to Constantinople. We got to Dolmabaghcheh abt 4 & drove straight home. Mme Condouriotis called.

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