0Thursday. 14th [March 1878]—Constantinople
BaylorBrowning Guide

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14 March 1878 — Constantinople
Thursday. 14th [March 1878]. It was a fine day and we wanted to show Mrs Hornby the Bosphorus so we got the Helicon & started abt 11 o’clock from opposite the Dolmabaghcheh palace. We went about in the garden at Therapia looking at the planting and improvements and then went on board again & luncheon & afterwards went up to the Black Sea to show the Adl the forts. When we got about 100 yards into the Bk Sea we went back as there was a good deal of swell & heavy showers of rain. We got home a little after 5. The Adl & Mrs Hornby dined with the Fawcetts.

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