0Wednesday. 20th [March 1878]—Constantinople
BaylorBrowning Guide

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20 March 1878 — Constantinople
Wednesday. 20th [March 1878]. Had to take some quinine as I felt rather CD & cd not go out. The Pattersons called. Mrs Arthur Hanson called & we cut out together a little but she did not stay as she was going to Therapia with Lady Kemball to help her find a house. While away a telegram came ordering Sir Arnold back to England. Ahmed Vefyk P. came & stopped to dinner. Capt. Hamond dined with us also Mr Kennedy. The Pasha was in tremendous spirits. He said “Le Sultan me tue” he worries me so dreadfully & sends for me even 3 times a day. He said that he was trying to occupy his mind with model barracks he was having put up near Yildiz Kiosque. But he said the Sultan had strained his arm & was suffering a good deal. He said the Russians did not know what they wanted. They asked for things one day & retracted the next “et moi je fais la bonne bête et j’ai l’air de ne rien comprendre–

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