0Thursday. 21st March [1878]—Constantinople
BaylorBrowning Guide

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21 March 1878 — Constantinople
Thursday. 21st March [1878]. Cut out in the morng & heard Jerry’s lessons as usual. In the afternoon Henry & I drove down to the Khan—met Mrs A. Hanson & went over to Scutari burying ground in her caique with her. It was a lovely day. Sergeant Lyne was at home. We went to see poor Julian’s grave wh was covered with turf & had a pretty border of flowers. We went down to Haidar Pasha to rejoin the caique & then returned to the Khan where the carriage awaited us. Found Mrs de Winton up on the sofa for the first time since she fell ill. The Parnis, Scudamores, Mrs Walker, Mr Curtis, Mr Maynard, Mr Bartlett, Mr Jocelyn, Ash: & De Winton & Dr Dickson dined us.

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