0Sunday. 12th [May 1878]—Therapia
BaylorBrowning Guide

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12 May 1878 — Therapia
Sunday. 12th [May 1878]. Mr Gribble came down to do the service here. I played the harmonium. The Helicon sailors came. Mr Kennedy read the lessons. Count Zichy came up from town in his gunboat & lunched with us. Mrs A. Hanson sent up her 2 little girls who also lunched with us, the Genl & Mr Ashburnham. It was a very warm day with a S. wind. Went up to the stables to see the Ducklings Mrs Arthur sent me up with the hen who had just hatched them. There are 7 of them. We sat in the Grove & had tea there. Mr Sandison & Mr Parnis came there. Gave the children their tea. Mr Woodford (Messr) called on me. I had to go to bed abt 7 o’clock having such a violent headache.

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