0Sunday. 26th [May 1878]—Therapia
BaylorBrowning Guide

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26 May 1878 — Therapia
Sunday. 26th [May 1878]. Henry went to town to see Sadyk P. in the “Antelope.” He started at 9.15 & did not return till abt 3. We had service in the corridor—but very small congregation & I had rather hard work with the singing and playing the harmonium. Mr A. Hanson & Mr Bartlett came in the middle of the sermon. It was very hot day & I went & read in the grove till luncheon. Mr Gribble, Ashburnham & the Genl lunched with me. At 5 went to the grove again with Henry & had tea there & then walked up & down with Henry who was getting very anxious at not receiving a telegram from Mr Sandison. We watched all the last chefkets come in in hopes Mr S. would come by them. Henry said everything depended on his sending home an answer this eveng to England. At last Mr S. had not come & I had to dress for dinner. Abt 8 he turned up on horseback having come straight from Yildiz as hard as he could & we sat down to dinner abt 8.15.

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