0Saturday. 1st June [1878]—Therapia
BaylorBrowning Guide

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1 June 1878 — Therapia
Saturday. 1st June [1878]. Henry went to town in the mouche directly after 8.30 breakfast. The messenger arrived from England. I instructed Jerry & had a fight with him over his spelling. Lunch with General & Mr Ash: Mr Bartlett had gone to town. Henry returned abt 4. We had tea in the grove & played tennis. Henry was anxious about the Sultan as he had not gone to mosque yesterday. He said that all the Ministers had been sent for to the Palace & was longing to know what was going on, when Mr Sandison returned he told him that H.M. was much better—had recd the Ministers and was quite cheerful. Mr Ash & Cartwright dined with us.

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