0Friday. 19th July [1878]—Therapia
BaylorBrowning Guide

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19 July 1878 — Therapia
Friday. 19th July [1878]. Set off at 10.30 with the M & S. in the steam launch. Landed them & the cavass at Ortakeui to go & see the Sultan go to mosque and I went on to Pss Nazli’s & waited till the others joined me wh they did abt 2. They paid Pss N. a short visit and then we left & went on to Eyub eating a biscuit or 2 on the way. At Eyub which is quite at the end of the golden horn we got out & walked to the mosque passing the most picturesque tombs & buildings belonging to the mosque. When we came to the gate of the court yard of the mosque the Cavass went & got permission for us to cross it wh we did quickly just stopping to look in thro’ a grating where was a very holy tomb. The walls of the building were covered with lovely Persian tiles. We walked thro’ most picturesque Oriental looking streets. We walked until we passed a house from wh came curious sounds wh the cavass told us was a tekke or convent of dervishes and he took us in to a narrow passage where we could look into a small square empty room where were seated on their heels on sheep skin mats abt 20 people in a circle who were shouting out their prayers whilst swinging their bodies backwards & forwards. This went on a long while & was said to be going to last even longer as we left them at their devotions & returned to the steam launch & we steamed home arriving after 8 & I had some tea but was so tired I had to give up going down to dinner and go to bed.

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