0Thursday. 25th [July 1878]—Therapia
BaylorBrowning Guide

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25 July 1878 — Therapia
Thursday. 25th [July 1878]. I bathed with the girls. Painted Aimées Portrait. The M & S went to the Bazaars. After luncheon I went out in the 3 oared caique with Henry left him at Hyssar & went on to Bebek to call on Pss Zenab, Nazli’s aunt. Nazli met me there & interpreted. The house was splendid. Pss Zenab was a little stout elderly lady, very polite & kind. Had usual coffee & sweets & water & then a refreshing ice– It was very hot. I went back to Hyssar & went up to join Henry at Ahmed Vefyk’s—but met Henry just at the top of the hill– However we did go to Ahmed V’s for a short time & I paid a visit in his harem. Got home at 7. Very hot night. Sang in evening.

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