0Sunday. 11th [August 1878]—Therapia
BaylorBrowning Guide

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11 August 1878 — Therapia
Sunday. 11th [August 1878]. Sat talking all the morning with Capt. Seymour &c. After lunch read the Psalms & lessons with Aimée & Ida. Mr Marinitch paid me a visit. Began to sing hymns with the girls when Nazlie Khanum arrived. She is very anxious about her pension she hears the English commission will not pay the family pensions & the Viceroy also refuses. She is also very unhappy at home & wants to get divorced from her husband. She stayed till after 5. When she went I walked in the garden a little with Henry & then rested till dinner & was so tired that I had to go to bed directly after dinner. Besides those staying with us, the d’Ehrenhoffs, Baker P., Capt. Seymour & Mr Black & Eyres, we had Mr Mallet, Cartwright, Kennedy, Sandison, & Lord George Montague to dinner.

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