0Saturday. 31st [August 1878]—Therapia
BaylorBrowning Guide

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31 August 1878 — Therapia
Saturday. 31st [August 1878]. The Adl & Lady Hornby returned to Prinkipo in the “Salamis” & the Salamis came back here at 5 o’cl: I had my Turkish lesson. The d’Ehrenhoff girls came to spend the day & little Robin Hornby. Ida & I helped the Squire to make cigarettes. It was such a hot day that we cd not even play tennis. At 6 the girls went off in a caique taking B. Bilinsky who was calling with them to the Khedives garden to play tennis there. Aimée & Ida returned home at 4.30. Whist in the eveng.

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