0Saturday. 7th [September 1878]—Therapia
BaylorBrowning Guide

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7 September 1878 — Therapia
Saturday. 7th [September 1878]. Had my Turkish lesson. The d’Ehrenhoff girls came down for the day. Henry & I, the Burrs & Sir Hy Wolff were waiting for the steam launch to go off to Hyssar to see Ahmed Vefyk when the Salamis arrived bringing the Admiral & Lady Hornby & the girls & so we gave up going & went to play tennis & have tea. The Hornbys left at 5 & we then had a visit from the new German Ambr Count Hatzfeldt & Ct Radolinsky. Today came the news of the dreadful murder of Mehemet Ali P. by the Albanians wh grieved us excessively as we were very fond of him.

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