0Friday. 20th September [1878]—Therapia
BaylorBrowning Guide

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20 September 1878 — Therapia
Friday. 20th September [1878]. Copied Henrys letters to go by the messenger wh took me till 11. Aimée d’Ehrenhoff came down to spend the day. I went to paint on the terrace till 1 when we lunched. In the middle of lunch a Col Holme came to call & joined us—then Mr Washburn of the Robert College & the Squire went to the side table & gave him his place. Directly after lunch a large party went off riding a paper chase. I went off to the Khedive’s garden with the Burrs & Jerry to carry the bags to sketch. There we were joined by Henry & Sir Hy D. Wolff & afterwards met the General & then Mr Mallet. When we got to the gates of the garden we hailed an Antelope boat; while waiting Mr Ashburnham came up & then Parnis Effi & the latter said he would fetch us to go out fishing in ½ hour. Henry & I & the Burrs went home in the Antelope boat. We found all the servants at the gate in a hubbub. It appears that Herbert, Mr Kennedy’s servant had seen sent out with the paper bags for the hunt & told to wait in the road. He had been attacked by 3 men (soldiers) who with knives at his throat took his money & watch from him. The 3 Hornby girls, Mellony, the Squire & I went out fishing with Mr & Miss Parnis. I caught 3 lufer, Miss E. Hornby 1. The Squire entertained us the while with comic songs. We returned to dinner. After dinner (Sir H. Wolff dined) the “Coal Hole” en masse came in & we had choruses till bed time. Mr Chermside sang the solos.

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