0Sunday. 22nd September [1878]—Therapia
BaylorBrowning Guide

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22 September 1878 — Therapia
Sunday. 22nd September [1878]. The Squire read service for us. Lunched at one & I & Henry set off in the steam cutter for Arnaut Keui. Henry to call on Musurus P. & I on the Caratheodory’s who were all at home. After seeing them I went to Candilli & sent the cutter back for Henry. I went up to Mrs Willy’s room & sat with her & May till Henry fetched me. The Burrs & Hornbys went over to walk at Beikos & to tea on board the Salamis. Hatzfeldt, Sir Hy D. Wolff & Sir C & Lady Dickson dined with us but not the Embassy as usual as we were too large a party. It is said the Russians leave San Stefano tomorrow & the Turkish police are to take possession.

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