0Tuesday. 15th October [1878]—Therapia
BaylorBrowning Guide

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15 October 1878 — Therapia
Tuesday. 15th October [1878]. Painted out of doors all the morning. Directly after luncheon May & I went off in the mouche to Kabatash to call on Mrs Hilmy Pasha. We found her at home & were shown into a small room darkened with dark blue calico blinds in a corner there was a small sofa covered with dark blue silk on wh lay Mme Hilmy in a black dress with a black cap on her head. At her side was a small table with medicines & a French novel the name of wh was “La morte vivante.” Poor Mme Hilmy spoke at once of her trouble in the loss of her eldest child from typhoid last winter since wh she had evidently given herself up to her grief. After some time she revived & on my offering to send the mouche for her one day next week she consented to come & see me. We got home abt dark. I changed my dress & in 5 minutes I started to fish with Mr Parnis. We caught nothing at all.

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