0Thursday. 6th February [1879]—Constantinople
BaylorBrowning Guide

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6 February 1879 — Constantinople
Thursday. 6th February [1879]. Went over to Stamboul with Henry directly after breakfast. We went to the Archeological Museum & were met by M. Dothier a tiresome long winded ignorant old Frenchman. The place is a kiosque at the Seraglio built by Mehmed the conqueror & very pretty. The antiquities were all scattered & in disorder. Saw some curious rude sculptures found in Cyprus. From there we went to the Museum of the Janissaries at the Ecole de Meliers et Arts—where there is the most dilapidated collection of old costumes of the beginning of the century amongst them the costume of the Embassy dragomans wh Henry remembers to have seen still worn by old Fred Pisani in Ld Stratford’s time. The motheaten clothes were hung on absurd wooden figures with ridiculously painted faces. From here we went thro’ intricate streets to call on Edhem Pasha. Found him in. In answer to our enquiries whether he was going ambr to Vienna he said he had heard nothing officially, but his friends had told him so. We returned home for lunch. Directly after I had a short visit from Pss Vijdane (Halim P’s wife). Taught Jerry his catechism. We dined alone & afterwards went to Ct Zichy’s to a small dance there. They danced in the large ball room & at one end was the buffet—but the room was very empty. I left May under the care of Mrs Willy & Henry & I came home early.

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