0Friday. 21st February [1879]—Constantinople
BaylorBrowning Guide

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21 February 1879 — Constantinople
Friday. 21st February [1879]. Busy all morng finishing packing. Mme Caratheodory called with Mme Heidenstam & May & Mrs Willy. After the Mantillas came & we drove down to the Arsenal close to the new bridge where Hobart P. had steam launches ready to take us on board the mail steamer. At the door of the Arsenal were a lot of refugees collected to see us go & Henry thro’ M. Marinitch addressed a few words to them & they wished us a good journey. On board the “Saturno” we found many waiting to bid us adieu & then 3 refugee children brought me a fine bouquet. Fournier did not come to see us nor did he wish Henry good bye at all. It appears that his grand scheme for getting money for the Turks has come to naught and he believes Henry has worked against it. We started abt 5; it was blowing hard.

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