0Wednesday. 5th March 1879—Paris
BaylorBrowning Guide

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5 March 1879 — Paris
Wednesday. 5th March 1879. Having left Vienna on Monday 3rd in the evening we came direct thro by rail to Paris. We took 4 places in a Pulman’s car and were most comfortable sleeping very tolerably in it Monday & Tuesday nights. We reached Paris this morning abt 5 AM & were met by Mr Belard and Lord Lyons sent his carriage for us. It was very cold & slippery underfoot & one of the horses of his carriage fell but no damage was done. On arriving at the hotel we went to bed for a couple of hours & then rose refreshed and after breakfast I & Hill went out shopping & Henry went to the Embassy. We dined quietly with Ld Lyons no one was there but Mr Sheffield, Mr Adams & another. We did not stay late.

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