0Monday. 10th March [1879]—24 Onslow Gardens
BaylorBrowning Guide

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10 March 1879 — 24 Onslow Gardens
Monday. 10th March [1879]. We hired a brougham for the time we are to be in town & I went out in the afternoon to leave some cards. Called on Mrs Rate & found her in & had a little talk to her & I went to the Atheneum & picked up Henry who had been to the F.A. & brought me my jewelry wh I had sent by messenger. Somehow or other in getting out of the carriage I must have dragged out my black velvet bag with my purse & pencil case & I lost it. We dined at Hamilton House & there was a large dinner party. We met the Salisburys & they were most civil to us & I sat talking to him nearly all the evening.

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