0Monday. 17th [March 1879]—Blackheath
BaylorBrowning Guide

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17 March 1879 — Blackheath
Monday. 17th [March 1879]. Left Grannie & returned to Onslow Gardens. Went to Rache’s to try on a black satin low body she was to make me to wear at dinner tonight. My new dresses not having arrived from Paris. Addie (Lady Tavistock) came to fetch me & took me for a drive paying visits. We dined at the Duke of Cambridge’s to meet the K. & Q. of the Belgians, the P. & Pss of Wales, the P. & Pss Imperial of Germany & the Tecks. Pss Mary did the honors. It was very lucky that my gowns had not arrived from Paris as all the Royal family & the guests were in mourning so I was rightly dressed. The Skelmersdales & Granvilles were of the party. In the evening I sat between the P. & Pss of Wales talking & P. Teck behind. Was introduced to the K. & Q. & the P. Imp. who were all very complimentary about Henry & abt my work for the wounded & Refugees. As we came away I was disgusted to see Teck with my cloak on jumping abt in the hall. It was my large white fox cloak.

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