0Saturday. 22nd [March 1879]—Hamilton House
BaylorBrowning Guide

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22 March 1879 — Hamilton House
Saturday. 22nd [March 1879]. Had to stay in bed all day with a headache. Blanche brought Lady Donaughmore to see me in my room. She is very pretty & young. She wanted news of her husband whom we had left at the Embassy at Consple. Henry & I dined at Marlboro Hse to meet the K & Q of Belgians. There were Lady Waldegrave, & Ld Carlingford, Lady C. Stanley, the Caryolis, Sir Michael & Lady Hicks Beach & Bernal Osborne. After dinner there was singing by the boys of the chapel Royal. Some very good boys’ voices & the little fellows looked very pretty in their scarlet uniforms with gold lace & lace jabots. It was bitter cold snowy weather.

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