0Saturday. 12th April [1879]—Inwood, Henstridge, Somerset
BaylorBrowning Guide

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12 April 1879 — Inwood, Henstridge, Somerset
Saturday. 12th April [1879]. We left Henstridge directly after breakfast. Went by train to Wimborne. At Sturminster Station Luff joined us. We went to Canford & walked from the station. Went over the house & the newly repaired church. We then got into a carriage & drove to the new bridge wh Ivor is making over the Stour at Little Canford wh is very ugly. We went to call on Mrs Meaby & then drove thro’ the rain to the Inn near the station where we had luncheon—excellent chops & bread & cheese. We went to town by the 2.40 train & got back to Bkheath for dinner. We found deep snow lying all abt Salisbury.

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