0Saturday. 19th April [1879]—Blackheath
BaylorBrowning Guide

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19 April 1879 — Blackheath
Saturday. 19th April [1879]. We took leave of Grannie & went up by train to Langham House as we leave England tomorrow. A lot of the family lunched at L. House & afterwards many friends called viz old Mrs Layard (of Uffn) & Fanny, the Hutchins & Miss Hogarth but without Miss Dickens who was out of town. Kitty was also there, Blanch, Maria &c. Alice Du Cane slept at L. Hse in order to be ready to start with us. Henry & I, the M. & S. dined with Musurus P. at Bryanston Sqr a rather dull dinner–

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